7things Growing Up in the South Will Teach You

1) Tradition is important- Whether it’s always spending Christmas in your own home or never missing a football game in the fall, these small traditions build the strongest of bonds in families. I really took them for granted and sometimes regretted them growing up. But we had traditions for a reason, and they will continue on when I have my own family.

2) ALWAYS say “please” and “thank you”- When I was little, after everything I’d ask for, my parents would say, “What do you sayyy?” and I’d respond, “Pleeease?” I never really understood why they would stress it so much until after I left home. People can sound so RUDE when they don’t say please and thank you. So no matter who it is (the waitress, your friends’ parents, the help), ALWAYS be polite!

3) Eat the fried stuff- It’s good. And it’s good for the soul. Fried chicken, fried shrimp, fried cheese, fried pickles, fried corn nuggets, fried peanut-butter-and-banana sandwiches. At least try it once.

4) Your siblings are your best friends- Even though you would have knock-down-drag-out fights when you were little, you eventually sit back and laugh (and maybe even feel bad) about it all. They are your “people.” They will always tell you what you need to hear, but they will always take your side. Call them and tell them you love them (after you read this article… 😉 …)

5) Mama is ALWAYS right…- No matter how hard you try to convince her that you can do it, can’t do it, or won’t do it, she will always prove you otherwise. My mama always knows when and why I’m sick, where I left that thing I’ve been looking for, and how to make me feel invincible. She is my biggest cheerleader and I will always turn to her for answers.

6) Hard work pays off-  You should constantly surround yourself with people you be like. Being surrounded by people who work their tails off is inspiring. Successful people are not gifted, they just work so hard that they start to succeed on purpose!

7) The South is the best place on Earth- After all, people don’t hardly ever move up north for retirement. God’s Country