Why Do I Take Pictures?

When I was in the seventh grade, my home caught fire. I won’t go into the terrible, unfortunate details of how that event occurred, but I will tell you that we lost everything we owned, including every pictured we had ever taken. Every baby picture, every first day of school, every kindergarten graduation, every family gathering, every birthday party: gone. Sure we lost our clothes, our shoes, our bedding and everything else in the house, but this was the most devastating blow.

Ever since then, I’ve always wanted to take pictures with my family and friends every time we’re together. “Savannah, do we HAVE to take another picture?” YES WE DO. And they always end up being great pictures that we laugh about! Eating brunch, going to a movie, walking the dog, going to church on Easter, or even just chillin at home. They’re moments that we love to remember.

So now that I have my own big-girl camera (and the iPhone has advanced faster than we can blink), I bring it to every major event. Not just so I can remember the experience, but so everyone else can too! I hope to expand my photography hobby into a business one day so that I can help others do the same.