What I Learned in Costa Rica

Stop taking yourself so seriously.

College is hard, Ok? If anyone ever told you it was easy, they lied to you. Not only are you working towards a degree, but also when you graduate most of the jobs you want require at least a year if not two years of experience! So what do you do? The impossible. As a full-time student you take on two unpaid internships, join the executive board of two different on-campus organizations, and fight the endless battle between sleeping and having a social life. But they say that nothing worth having is ever easy, right? Ugh.

It will all be worth it in the long run. I know it. And it could be worse! I am so lucky to have the opportunities that I do. But sometimes I find that I take myself way too seriously. I’m supposed to be having fun- doing the college thing- but also making money/working towards a career that not only will keep me secure when I’m older, but also something I’m passionate about.

I all too often find myself so worried about the future that I forget about my life right now. When I spent time in Costa Rica with my best friends (s/o to Dani and fam), they taught me the local saying, “Pura Vida” which literally translated means, “the pure life.”  Everyone interprets this saying in their own way. For me it means I shouldn’t be living with such a constant dark cloud of worry over my head. Every now and then it feels so good to let loose and live without a care in the world! It’s good for the soul and good for my health. Each time I’ve left Costa Rica, I feel replenished and recharged. I think that is a true testament to the fact that I need to take time to slow down and take care of me every once in a while. And you should too! STOP TAKING YOURSELF SO SERIOUSLY.

Whatever it is that’s bothering you- school, work, friends, exes, money- let it go, if only for a little bit and Viva la Pura Vida! Go get that drink with an old friend, drive four hours just to go to the beach, leave people behind that are holding you back and move on with your life because we can’t spend our entire lives worrying about things that are ultimately out of our control.

I’m just over a month from heading back to Costa Rica. The light at the end of the tunnel gets bigger and bigger each day! I’ve found mi Pura Vida- now it’s time for you to go find yours in this new year!

TCB, Sav


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