Why Being Different is the Best Compliment You Could Ever Receive


I will never forget the time that someone asked me “Why can’t you be like everyone else?” My feelings were hurt, sure, but then I was furious, ENRAGED even. I was 14 and it was during lunch when I walked up to the lunch table with my new Oxfords on and all the other girls were wearing Sperry Topsiders… (DISCLAIMER: I went to a private catholic school where uniforms were required and only certain shoes could be worn.) Now I won’t hate on Sperry’s! They’re comfy and practical. But I was hell-bent on being cutting edge. I didn’t think it was fair to be criticized for wanting to be different, especially in a school where we all looked the same in our khaki skirts and navy polo’s. And I’ll tell you what: I wore the hell out of those Oxfords. I wore them until the day my pinky toes stuck out the holes in the sides of them!

Not much about me has changed in that aspect. I absolutely REFUSE to be generalized. I get all kinds of peeved when people say things like, “All girls do is watch reality TV,” “Everyone from the South is a racist homophobe,” “Every sorority girl is just sitting on daddy’s money…” NEWSFLASH PEOPLE: I am NOT all girls! Yes I indulge in a lil Bachelorette every now and then, but that’s because I am a hopeless romantic (sigh). I am from the South but I am NOT a racist OR a homophobe! I am a sorority girl and I DON’T sit on my daddy’s money! In fact, anyone who knows me knows that I work like a dog and I eat what I kill (figure of speech- I don’t kill animals). Every day I fight these generalizations because I am DIFFERENT and I don’t want to be like everyone else! I want to be ME and I want to be admired for it!

Ok, rant over.

The point I want to make is that being different is GOOD. Whether it’s counter-acting stereotypes or starting a new trend, you SHOULD be different. When has being just like everyone else done you any good? Here’s a guess: NEVER. So go on that trip everyone says is stupid, get that tattoo you’ve always wanted, wear those new shoes to school or work, and stand up for what you believe in!  Just as my favorite author Dr. Seuss once said, “Why fit in when you were born to STAND OUT?”

TCB, Sav

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